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AI Interview Tools

airecomen airecomen


AI RECOME is an AI interview tool designed to prepare students for interviews and reduce the man-hours of HR interviews at companies. By utilizing cutting-edge AI technology and big data, we provide a comfortable environment for both HR managers and job seekers.

AI RECOMEN for Interview Practice
- For Job Support -

This AI interview tool is designed for use in job placement assistance and recruiting. It solves issues such as students' lack of experience in interviewing, bias in interview guidance, and lack of supervisors, etc. Highly accurate feedback by AI can improve the employment rate of the introducing institution.

airecomen airecomen
Strengthening the job-hunting support system
Unification of Interview Guidance Policy
Up to 50% reduction in teaching man-hours 
Improved employment rate with highly accurate feedback

AI RECOMEN for Recruitment
- For Corporate Recruitment -

It is an interview tool in which AI takes over the interview process in the recruitment process of a company. We solve problems such as wanting to reduce the number of man-hours required for interviews in human resources and the fact that hiring criteria are individualized. The ability to conduct interviews anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, greatly expands the scope of recruitment.

airecomen airecomen
Active in corporate recruiting
Achieving AI x HR
Enabling 24/365 interviews
Expanding the Scope of recruitment
Digitize interview information
Facilitate internal sharing
Unification of hiring criteria
High-quality recruitment

Contact Us

ご相談、ご質問はお気軽にどうぞ Please feel free to contact us for consultation or questions.



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